Can't wait to read about your protagonist when the book comes out!
Last summer a podcast interview with Rick Rubin on The Creative Act really captivated me. I listened twice. I bought a few copies of the book, gave some away and my copy has sat patiently on my shelf ever since. Maybe this is the nudge I need to read it. I love how the hardback cover is cloth.
Yes, some books are art objects! Rubin is interesting and useful. He had one pointI thought was a bit weird, maybe harmful: his appendix burst and he didn’t have it removed because of something he read in a book. I hope people don’t take that as a suggestion to ignore appendicitis. Rupture can be followed by infection. Serious business.
100%. Bizarre that he thought to include that in the book. The medical story I remember from it is that he stopped lifting very heavy weight because he got an overpowering sense of dread each time he tried to do it. Later a doctor said, “good thing - you have XYZ condition for which heavy weight lifting is not good.”
Can't wait to read about your protagonist when the book comes out!
Last summer a podcast interview with Rick Rubin on The Creative Act really captivated me. I listened twice. I bought a few copies of the book, gave some away and my copy has sat patiently on my shelf ever since. Maybe this is the nudge I need to read it. I love how the hardback cover is cloth.
Yes, some books are art objects! Rubin is interesting and useful. He had one pointI thought was a bit weird, maybe harmful: his appendix burst and he didn’t have it removed because of something he read in a book. I hope people don’t take that as a suggestion to ignore appendicitis. Rupture can be followed by infection. Serious business.
100%. Bizarre that he thought to include that in the book. The medical story I remember from it is that he stopped lifting very heavy weight because he got an overpowering sense of dread each time he tried to do it. Later a doctor said, “good thing - you have XYZ condition for which heavy weight lifting is not good.”