We’re having Weather
I have company this week. Three old friends from three different cities. And, depending on the weather, another on Sunday. As you may know, we’re on storm watch here in Southern California. Hoping for the best.
So, I am keeping it short this week.
I been sending out many postcards this year, and it’s a great writing exercise in the ‘shower the people you love with love’ genre. Try it in place of a writing prompt. I’ve found it’s a quick way to show others I’m thinking of them. I have a friend who had a stroke a few years ago. She can’t talk on the phone, and reading anything very long is difficult for her. But she enjoys receiving postcards regularly and answers with an emoji.
Articles on Postcards
Postcards Can Ease the Pain of Isolation by David Stone:
David is a poet and block printer. He was a short article on expressing gratitude with postcards that includes an image of a postcard he printed:
I was Interviewed about My Books
This past Wednesday, I was the guest on the Life of JEM videocast. We talked about my books, fiction, the writing life, and dogs.
The recorded video is here:
You can also listen to just the audio on Apple Podcasts here: